
As curious scientists,
we dove deep into
the world of caffeine crystals…

The result was the discovery of Kohe - the best instant coffee you’ll ever have.

Kohe Brazil

100% Arabica, Santa Rita farm

Quantity: 1 Box (5 x 3.5g pouches inside)
Flavour: Clean, smooth, complex, with sweet hazelnut notes
Growing region: João Pinheiro, Cerrado Mineiro
Coffee varieties: Yellow Bourbon
Growth altitude: 850 m above sea level
Soil: Yellow soil
Treatment method: Dry process

Coffee lovers all over the world have recognized Cerrado Mineiro's diverse wildlife area as the ideal coffee growing environment. The area has abundant clean water and a very dense and diverse species richness. The Santa Rita farm uses state-of-the-art technology to maximize productivity and environmental friendliness while maintaining the high quality of specialty coffee.  

The farm's central goal is to respect the environment, natural resources and local people. The Santa Rita farm is certified by RainForest and UTZ. In addition, the farm is an important partner in the Reforestation project in Brazil, where farmers have planted more than 129,000 trees in recent years to restore the surrounding natural environment.


KOHE is Chemex in my pocket on the move:
planes, hikes, hotels

- Annar Alas
Coffee People